Thursday, November 18, 2010

Outing Ourselves

I have absolutely no good excuse for ignoring this blog for so long. Truly.

I haven't cured cancer. Haven't polished off another novel. Hell, I haven't even had a good cold to knock me off my feet for a week or so. I've been lazy. There, I said it. L-A-Z-Y.

In the past two months there has been a fantastic jiu jitsu tournament that I did not participate in (more on that later), a one-year super anniversary that me and the man of my dreams have YET to celebrate (ordering take out at 9 p.m. after giving each other the silent treatment all day does NOT count...for either of us...ha!) and a BOATLOAD of first grader activities to squeeze in (including Turkey Bingo at his school tonight...C'mon lucky 0 67!!)

I've also been in hiding. We found out a few weeks ago that M3 (short for "Minion the Third" aka "Baby #3) is due in June. Joyous news, right? We sure think so. We also think that me staying awake between the hours of 1 and 9 p.m. requires an Act of Congress, a miracle enacted by the creator, and some serious willpower. (And those who know me, well, you know that's not my strong suit by any means.)

So I've been overjoyed by a year married to the love of my life, endless hours of stepping on and clearing legos and blocks from our floor, swim practices, afternoons volunteering in the classroom during reading labs, and early pregnancy--you know, the part where you just sorta look fat and mushy, but not really pregnant? I'm so there.

My mom arrived this week. Did I mention that yet? We're all excited around here and she even managed to survive the first two mornings of 6 a.m. toddler wake up drills. So far. But she's no morning glory, so I won't be surprised to find her bedroom door padlocked closed from the inside any day this boys are determined to jump on her super airmattress every morning and one of these days, it's going to burst with all three of them on it. And I'll probably laugh. And pee my pants. (It happens. Don't judge.)

My priorities have been right where they were supposed to be, I'm sure, but that also means that my more selfish inclinations (writing, gym time, knitting horrendous scarves) has been minimal, therefore making me a puffy, overtired, miserable tyrant. Can you believe I made it to my anniversary in one piece? Me either!

So there it is...the happenings around the nest from the last 60 or so days, along with a solemn vow not to let that much time pass again before posting. (Be warned, willpower and the ability to keep strict promises...I have bad histories with both!)

With love,
