Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thanks, I needed that

Last week was tough. I'm battling change in myself and my habits and that's never easy. For the past few years, I've had this constant fear of failure and fear of falling short plague me like nothing I've ever experienced. It's crippling. It's ridiculous.

And I'm proud to say, it's almost over.

Change is never easy, but it's necessary. And easier to accomplish one little baby step at a time.

After four years, one brain surgery, and two babies later, I returned to competition. And it was a beautiful thing. Jiu jitsu is often a metaphor for life..what you do wrong when pushed on the mat, you often do wrong when pushed in life. It's a fantastic mirror, and for the first time in a long time yesterday, I got a chance to take a peek, and like what I saw in the reflection.

Welcome back to the sport, but more importantly, welcome back to the scrappy, stubborn girl you used to be, Megan.

Onward ...


Monday, November 7, 2011

A week in the life

Early November.

As I stare out the window, there's snow. Everywhere. Deep and up to the calf-region, even.

It's tournament week, I'm battling a dislocated rib and some misplaced swagger, but other than that, it's a fantastic start to this, my most favorite month of the year.

I don't have any fabulous updates to give you with all that's going on. The wheels are turning, though. They always are. In place of a remarkable post written well and full of inspiration, I'll cheat and give you a glimpse of my life a week at a time.

Monday 10/31/2011

Halloween. It snowed. A lot. Our kids were troopers and demanded to keep going, even when the failed potty training caused an emergency on a stranger's front porch. True story to save for first dates and such.

Tuesday: 11/1/2011

My 'Kenna. She's a beauty. And four and a half months now. Sigh.

Wednesday: 11/2/2011

My view at the "factory." Not really a factory as much as a desk, but still. It can be a great view when I need to daydream.

Thursday: 11/3/2011

My Boo. He's so patient with me when I make him go shopping...especially if there is a Hot Dog truck handy for any mid-shopping hunger pains.

Friday: 11/4/2011

My Boy Wonder in the season's early snow. Also present in the photo is the goofy neighbor kid. Riding a bike. In the snow. Seriously. It was funny to watch.

Saturday: 11/5/2011

My grandmother's Ginger Crinkles. Boo and I call them our "snow cookies" because when the weather changes, we crave these. And the smell of cinnamon, ginger, and butter (yes, they smell like butter) that invades the house. Better than any Yankee candle I overspend on.

Sunday: 11/6/2011

I spent my mama's birthday recovering from an early Thanksgiving celebration we had with our Gracie family. It was such a wonderful time, it was well worth the constant running of the dishwasher, vacuum, and sink water. We love our hometown family. They are the only reason we've made it in Alaska this long (so far from our real families.)

Have a beautiful week.
