Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Few Days With a New Camera

Our new Olympus arrived in the mail a few days ago and I am having So. Much. Fun. A few shots from around our house, and even a house cleaning tip for you. Enjoy your Sunday!

1. A rock animal bird monster thing that our Boo created over the weekend. We had to buy the rock, of course. Alaska's rocks have 89 feet of snow still on them. Grumble....

2. Me and the minions. They're cute, aren't they?

3. That's her mad face. I think it's awfully cute.

4. I've noticed lately my "citrus cleaner" smells like chemi-lemon and it CREEPS ME OUT. Lucky for me, Vanessa (a friend from high school who has got to be the craftiest creature alive) recently posted this citrus cleaner recipe on her blog, Tried and True. I love that girl. I love her blog, too. Most of all? I think I'm going to love a lemon cleaner based on real lemons.

Here's hoping your week is a great one!



  1. Love that mad face! Hope the cleaner works out for you!

  2. Um, that might be the BEST mad face EVER! So cute!
