Sunday, June 29, 2014

it's about that time: makeover edition

the last time i revamped this whole site, we'd just moved from alaska to texas and i spent a couple weeks calling this site "texas skies and lemon pies" or vice versa. i can't remember because obviously the name didn't stick.

for two years, it was crowded tub and for a while, the url will still be crowded tub because i'm lazy. but why the change?

for one thing, i've never really nailed down what i'm doing here. i'm a food blog. i'm a funny parenting blog. i'm a craft gawking blog. but i've never really done a lot of those things very long (or very well) and when it came right down to it, all i was every really doing was writing. with bad pictures.

from the beginning of adult megan time, i've been a writer. a reporter. a creative writing grad student. a poet. all these things.

i was looking for a website about me and the stories i tell. all of them...

here's to a new look!

...happy happy happy...

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