I can't believe how fast April is zooming by. SLOW DOWN! Well, wait, don't slow down. Maybe I should SPEED UP!
It's been so long since I did my weekly journal and I'm sorry. I'll do my best to make this a regular Wednesday thing if I can. Famous last words...
I'm still fighting off this god-awful bronchitis. Seriously, today marks day 15 and I'm all shades of over it. Umm..what else? I skipped a doc appointment this morning because I thought 7:30 a.m. was such a great idea a few weeks ago, but not this morning. Nothing was a great idea at 7:30 a.m. this morning besides the morning java/waffle dance we do around the table each day.
Another week, really, chugging along.
Boy Wonder is all about playing outside now as much as he can and that's fantastic. He's tall. Taller than last week. I don't even know what to make of that...
Boo is all about schedules. We have our days where we get to walk BW to school AND walk to pick him up and let me just tell you...don't consider being a minute late to leave. Without knowing real time, he knows when it's time to go and when you're slacking. He also knows the entire PBS Kids morning line up by heart and tells time that way. His brother goes to school in the middle of "Dinosaur Train" and Boo knows when to kick him in the pants if the backpack hasn't been loaded up. Smart kid, that one.
Makenna took her first steps over the Easter weekend (at 9 months, holy moly) but she's really trying to motor now. Sometimes she's successful. Sometimes she's not. But she's a fearless walker.
Crafty blogs.
sigh. They distract me and make me wish I was a better crafter/photographer/writer. I'm also really inspired by the increasing temperatures and sunshine around here.
Our move to Texas is just about 30 days away. Am I inspired to hustle more crap outta the house to make the process easier? Not really. But I'm still picking away at it the best I can. I'm panicked and giddy. Nervous and impatient. This quote really sums it up:
“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” -Deepak Chopra
Well said, sir.
The cold that nearly took me down. Yikes. Short of my bouts with strep, I don't think I've really been that miserable in a long time.
We took the kiddos to the Anchorage Kids Day celebration and left just a tad bit jaded...feeling less like they got hands-on fun and games like the ads claimed and more like we were shuffled through rows of businesses pushing flyers in our hands. Boo.
Sunday made up for it, though, when we took the kids kite flying. Two kites went out and only one made it back it, but it was still fun.
There's a lot going on in the writing arena. Harlequin has some great fast-track opportunities and I sent my entry in on Monday for one of them. I also spent the weekend sending queries out for "Jasper and the Fiddlers Three," the MG project.
A new blog re-design and Texas-friendly name is going on at the moment, too. I'm trying not to jump the gun too much because what if we land in a different community and I've already included "Katy" in the new blog name? See? Drama! But seriously, I've been studying and adoring blogs lately and I see a new direction for this one soon. Soon-ish. Oh, eventually!
I also have a few quilts to finish, a house to move, and a boy to prep for summer vacation with his dad and that side of the family.
Oh yeah, and a baby to have. Ha!
Everyone is trying to get the most sunshine they can. Nevermind the fact that they freeze their fingers still if they stay out too long. It's sunny, the snow is retreating and they're all about that.
P gets the amazing responsbility of orchestrating a move because, honestly, my idea of moving right now is a good, old-fashioned housefire. I can't miss it if it's ashes, right?
Cooking has been so prefunctory lately that it's almost not a joy. That said, I'm eyeballing various strawberry cupcake recipes and something should come from that soon.
In other news, we're cooking with way less meat lately. Nobody's really noticed that we're up to an average of three meatless dinners a week. Go, us!
The Goblin Secrets by William Alexander. Amazing MG book.
Boy Wonder had a book about the Titanic last week. His other gem from the school library was a book full of riddles about mummies. It was pretty funny. Until the 180th mummy riddle. Then it wasn't.
Boo isn't into reading so much as watercolor painting lately. Mostly he likes to paint coloring page books so I try to sneak in letter and number pages to his repetoire.
Energy and patience for the next 30 days. I need both. Lots of both.
Praying for my family. Pop's burial is this Sunday. God bless the man...
My beautiful family. A job that pays the bills. The chance for a new start in an old state. Optimism. Books. My sewing machine.
Have a great week!