But getting to the bus includes a mile walk to the bus stop. Today it was snowing pretty heavily and instead of turning left like I did yesterday, I went straight and onto the bike/cross country path that I avoid during the summer ("thars bears in them thar woods!")
It was a small moment, but the walk was beautiful and quiet and bright (despite the overcast/snowy day) and reinforced why next month I'll be celebrating five years in Alaska with no serious thoughts of moving out any time too soon. There was no worrying about bills, about a job I hate, about the job that hates me, about the truck that died, about the need to move soon. Nothing. Just me, snow, and silence for 15 minutes while I walked home (and took a self photo for the record!)
This was the path home. It went on for about a quarter to half mile before it came out in front of our house.

This is me. I look sorta puffy and terrible, but who cares? I was there. It was great.

This was what greeted me when I got home. Boy Wonder was outside playing and when he saw me, he made like a speedy red streak down the driveway and gave me one of the best hugs of the week.

Life is good. Life is good.
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