The student loan rep was a pain in the ass, let's just be honest. I owe $500 now. I told her, "good luck finding that $500 anywhere in my account." I told her I wanted to work something out so I could get back on track. She "ummmmed" and said not a lot. Finally, she directed me to the company's Web site where I could "fill out a form."
So she was less than stellar in the helpful service. I found the form to reduce payments, but I also wrote an e-mail to the company telling them my troubles with ol' what's-her-face. They told me to call back Jan. 4 and speak to an Account Executive and not a Customer Service Representative. Sorta check?
Oh, whatever.

My calling is obvious this week: Get some serious clutter out of our house. So, for Week 1, I've got to get rid of one laundry basket's worth of stuff every single day. A whole basket. I can donate it, toss it, burn it, run it over, feed it to a moose, or use it for target practice...but each day, an entire basket has to go.
The hardest areas that need the most of my attention are my bookshelf and the shelves I keep craft supplies. It's stupid how much stuff I'm trying to fit on those.
Today, however, I to

So here's to a less crowded house for 2010. And in the meantime, here's a great link to a blogger who specializes in goals and organization: Creative Organizing. Do it.
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