Friday, June 3, 2011

The Summer of 100 Books: Week the first...

We miss Boy Wonder around here something fierce...especially on Tuesdays, our self-appointed library days.

He had this fantastic knack of running through the aisles and blindly grabbing handfuls of books as fast as he could and tossing them at me so he could play with the chess sets and checker boards.

Since we cut our cable this month and use the library's DVD rental service, we still go every week to find new "Bear in the Big Blue House" or "Bob the Builder" dvds for Boo, but we also keep stopping at the kid's section and finding extra board books and picture books to bring home. And the funny thing is, the kid LOVES to read books.

So in honor of missing his "bubba," we decided to embark upon the "Summer of 100 Books." Because I hate hard and fast deadlines and quotas, all we have to do is finish in 10 weeks before Boy Wonder comes home and we start anew with him. Some weeks we'll hit two books. Some ten. Who knows. But we already started and here's our first week's report:

Summer of 100 Books: Week 1 Tally

1. "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" (Eileen Christelow)
2. "Pat the Beastie" (Henrick Drescher)
3. Things that Go (Richard Scarry)
4. Thomas the Tank's Big Lift and Look Book (Ben Owell, illustrator)
5. No No Yes Yes (Leslie Patricelli)
6. Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? (Dr. Suess)
7. Can You See What I see? (Walter Wick)
8. Tatty Ratty (Helen Cooper)
9. Lunchtime for a Purple Snake (Harriet Ziefert)
10. Click, Clack, Moo...Cows That Type (Doreen Cronin)

So our favorites this week? Well, I have been delivered back to a magical, 70's-ish place with the Richard Scarry book and am hell-bent on finding more and adding them to our permanent collection. It was like a long, lost memory how much I loved those characters and now I can't wait to force them upon Boo and MK! Woo hoo!

Boo obviously loves the jumping monkeys, but he's spent more time on the lift/flap book than any other. Oh, and he caught on to Mr. Brown's mooing pretty quick and liked being able to buzz and stomp, too.

Books rule. True story!


  1. Oh I LOVE Richard Scary! Those were my favorite when I was little, and I've completely forgotten about them until just now!

  2. this is a GREAT idea! My daughter (now 12) is avid book worm but when she was little we learned to untilize the library and it made a huge difference!
