Little Mouse, Little Moo, and a Hedgie. Stupid Moo refuses to have a nice, round head and keeps squishing to one side. Which forces me to stab at him more and more with the torture implement And that expalains the bloody fingertips right now. Stupid Moo.
The new guy, Mason. He loves me. Loves all the kids. Not sure about P. Not sure if Mason will make the cut if he doesn't stop with the scaredy cat routine around Dad. I hope he makes it...he sure is a sweetheart!!
A matryoshka softie that I sketched and cut a pattern for. Too bad I forgot her adorable bear ears. And how to sew. I gave up near the finish line because her lumpy head was too distracting. I'll finish her sometime this week, I hope.
Then there's always this guy. He loves the dog's kennel more than the dog does.
...happy happy happy...
Oh! So cute! I can't sew a stitch for the life of me! Good job.